How to Sharpen a Bandsaw Blade

If your bandsaw blade is dull, it can make for a very frustrating woodworking experience. A sharp blade is a must for clean cuts, so it’s important to keep yours in good condition.

  • Begin by inspecting the bandsaw blade for any damage
  • If there are any nicks or chips in the blade, use a file to remove them
  • Next, use a sharpening stone to hone the cutting edge of the blade
  • Start with a coarse grit stone and move to a finer grit as needed
  • Once the cutting edge is sharp, use a honing guide to keep the blade at the correct angle while you sharpen it
  • This will help ensure that the blade is evenly sharpened across its entire length
  • Finally, use a polishing compound on a soft cloth to buff out any remaining burrs on the blade’s edge
How to Sharpen a Bandsaw Blade


Is It Worth Sharpening Bandsaw Blades?

When it comes to sharpening bandsaw blades, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, it is important to understand that not all bandsaw blades are created equal. Second, the type of steel and the hardness of the blade will play a role in how often you need to sharpen the blade.

Third, your personal level of experience will also dictate how often you need to sharpen your bandsaw blade. With that said, let’s take a closer look at whether or not it is worth sharpening your bandsaw blades. As we mentioned above, the type of steel and hardness of your blade will play a role in how often you need to sharpen it.

If you have a softer steel blade, then you will likely need to sharpen it more frequently than if you had a harder steel blade. However, even with a hard steel blade, you will still need to sharpen it from time to time as the teeth will eventually become dull with use. In terms of experience, if you are just starting out with using a bandsaw, then you will probably need to sharpen your blade more often than someone who has been using one for years.

This is because as you get better at using the saw and learn how to properly care for the blades, they will last longer between sharpenings. So, when it comes down to it, is it worth sharpening your bandsaw blades? The answer really depends on several factors including the type of steel used for the blade, the hardness of the blade and your personal level of experience using a bandsaw.

How Do You Sharpen a Bandsaw Blade With a Grinder?

Bandsaw blades can be sharpened with a grinder, but it is important to know which type of grinder to use and how to properly set up the blade. The first step is to determine whether you need to use a wet or dry grinder. Wet grinders are typically used for carbide-tipped blades, as they cool and lubricate the blade while grinding.

Dry grinders are used for high-speed steel (HSS) blades. Next, you will need to select the right grinding wheel. For HSS blades, use an aluminum oxide wheel; for carbide-tipped blades, use a diamond wheel.

Be sure to match the size of the wheel to the width of your blade; too small a wheel will not reach the entire cutting edge, while too large a wheel may damage your machine’s bearings. To set up your bandsaw blade on the grinder, start by clamping the blade in a vise so that the teeth are pointing up. Next, dress (true) the face of your grinding wheel using a diamond tool or abrasive block.

This will ensure that there are no nicks or unevenness on the surface of the wheel that could damage your blade. Finally, adjust the height of your work rest so that it is level with the centerline of your band saw blade teeth. Now you’re ready to begin sharpening!

Start by movingthe tip of your band saw blade slowly acrossthe face ofthe grindingwheel at aconstant speed(approximately 1/4″ per second). Apply light pressure evenly alongthe lengthofblade asyou go; donotfocuson any one areafor too longoryou risk over heatingand damagingthe metal.

How Do I Know If My Band Saw Blade is Dull?

If your band saw blade is dull, you will notice that it takes more effort to cut through material. The band saw may also produce a rougher cut than usual. To test if your band saw blade is dull, try cutting through a piece of paper.

If the blade tears the paper instead of slicing it cleanly, it is time to sharpen or replace the blade.

How Much Does It Cost to Sharpen a Bandsaw Blade?

Assuming you’re talking about a standard 14-inch band saw blade, it will cost anywhere from $5 to $15 to have the blade professionally sharpened. The price will depend on the type of steel the blade is made from and how many teeth there are on the blade. If you’re looking to do it yourself, you can purchase a band saw blade sharpener for around $100.

How to Sharpen Bandsaw Blades

How to Sharpen a Bandsaw Blade With a Dremel

If your bandsaw blade is starting to dull, you can use a Dremel tool to sharpen it. Here’s how: 1. Remove the bandsaw blade from the saw.

2. Clamp the blade in a vise or other similar device. 3. Use a Dremel tool with a grinding attachment to grind away the dull edge of the blade. Be sure to keep the grinding wheel perpendicular to the blade while you work.

4. Rotate the blade and continue grinding until the entire edge is sharpened. 5. Re-install the sharpened blade on your bandsaw and enjoy improved cutting performance!


If you’re starting to notice that your bandsaw blade isn’t cutting as smoothly as it used to, it’s probably time to sharpen it. Luckily, this is a pretty simple process that you can do yourself at home. Here’s how:

First, remove the blade from your saw and clean off any dirt or debris. Then, use a file or grinder to remove any nicks or burrs from the teeth. Next, set the angle of your blade using a guide (you want it to be about 30 degrees).

Now you’re ready to start sharpening. Begin by holding the file at the correct angle and running it along the top of each tooth. Be sure to keep an even pressure so that all of the teeth are sharpened evenly.

After a few passes with the file, your blade should be nice and sharp!

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